Thursday, July 31, 2008


Hi everyone and welcome! It took me a while to get back to blogging, given some bad experiences and holding myself to high standards.

I had rave reviews for my Photoblog back then, but this is something different altogether. The lesson I learnt from my Photoblog is that a theme is very important for a blog's success. With that in mind, the theme I chose for this is "Words".

Now words are a very important part of our lives, and there is just sooooooo much potential for expression in them. Personally, I'm a fan of quotes, so that's another motivation.

So let's start off with the title quote:
"But good words. That's where ideas begin."
- David Marcus (Merritt Butrick in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

OK, those of you who know me long enough know how much of a Sci-Fi fan I can be, but rest assured, this is not the reason for choosing this as the title quote.

I think this resonates with me because of how true and how simple it's put. Indeed, the power of words inspire others. They plant thoughts into people, ideas, dreams, aspirations...

I think a very good example of this is the most well-printed book in history: The Holy Bible. Through simple words, the Christian faith has spread across the world and continues to inspires thousands, if not millions, of people each moment.

When was the last time you really said/wrote something that made yourself go "Wow..." at the end?

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