Wednesday, December 24, 2008

"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. "

By: William E. Vaughan (American columnist & author, under the alias "Burton Hillis")

Merry Christmas to one and all! Indeed, things have changed a lot since I last posted (ONE MONTH AGO???). I have been given a wonderful career opportunity, and I have been having a good time lately.

Yes, I have left my job at Phillip Securities. I am now at a firm called "Providend". Similar job, but different company and different business model.

I think one of the greatest differences is that Providend operates a lot like a family. The people are warm and caring, friendly and kind, and yes, there's a strong Christian tradition amongst many members of the staff.

Although I still have some problems being released from where I was previously (long story), I'm already enjoying myself at Providend, doing some backroom work in the meantime, settling in and getting to know every person. As of Christmas Eve, I have officially met EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the Providend "nominal roll", because 1 of my colleagues, Evelyn, is on maternity leave, although she came back for the Christmas party.

Providend is different in the sense that we provide a fee-only financial consultancy service. In light of the alleged misselling taking place, I think our business model will appeal to many people. We have taken out the element of commissions in our advice, which leaves it much less biased and much more objective. If you are interested, we can always meet for a discussion.

But what strikes me the most about Providend is the closeness of the people. We have Games Day every Wednesday, where it's almost compulsory to attend. It's a wonderful session where the whole company (all 35 of us) comes down and exercise together, bond together and just see each other around. There's also the upcoming retreat, and of course, the wonderful Christmas Party that we had on Christmas Eve.

Although the games were simple, but I don't think I would have such fun if I played them in another setting. Being with the people just makes me enjoy it so naturally! I also had the chance to learn about the Providend Story, where Aaron, 1 of our founding members, shared with us the ups-and-downs of the company over the years, and how God has so kindly blessed us and seen us through. Of course, there's also the potluck! Just imagine 35 people (more if you include the interns) bringing 1 dish each, and that's the kind of spread you are looking at. For an idea how half of the spread looks like, you can see the picture below.

I cannot even begin to describe how warm and fuzzy my heart is this Christmas. Being a part of the Providend Family is indeed an honour to me, where I am able to work in an environment that I believe in, which is conducive to my growth and good people around me. Unlike many of my friends, I do not drag myself to office every morning, but there's a sense of anticipation where I can meet my new family members and get to know them more. I am very thankful to God for having shown me the way to Providend, and I really hope that He will keep me there for time to come.

As the title quote says, it is the best gift to be able to be surrounded by family members this Christmas, and this year, I have not one, but 2 families. Like I was sharing with Jack earlier on, a sign of the closeness of colleagues is by counting how many people are smiling in the company photo. See for yourself:

The Providend Family

Merry Christmas and a blessed holidays to everyone!

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