Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"When you wash your car, it rains shortly after"

One does certainly have to appreciate the ironies in life, right? Just as I thought I was remedying a crack, I sustained another one, except even more serious!

Well, it's nothing life-threatening. My handphone protector was cracked, from some of the drops I suppose, and I thought it was about time to get it replaced. It was quite a bargain, actually, and the new protector fit more snugly than the old one. So that was good, all happy.

Then I saw my spectacles were a little bent, so I decided to do some "self-rectification", and no, I'm not a qualified optician or optometrist. *PIAK* the top corner of my left lens chipped off.

I nearly screamed... and I'm quite glad I didn't because I was on a bus at the time.

Nothing really critical, it was the top corner, not the main field of vision. My classmates didn't even notice it until I mentioned it to them. Thank God for rimless frames... But I still have to wait for 10 working days (of which 1 has gone by) for the replacement.

So I'm back to my old pair now. I can feel the difference in weight, I think the prescription is slightly different as some stuff look weird, or maybe it could be due to the lack of sleep. And yes, sleep-deprivation is not in-line with recovering from a flu (which I have).

Needless to say, the lenses cost more than the new handphone casing.

So this very simple experience really had me thinking about some events in life. Surely there do times where we tried to do something, in the interest of someone, to make things better. Or maybe it was a time when we had a brilliant idea and wanted to carry it out. And then, things go haywire.

Being the nice person that you are (I hope), you take remedial action, try to repair it. But alas! You've made it worse. You may have solved this issue, but in the process creating damage elsewhere. Maybe that friend doesn't want to listen to your explanation any more, or even refuses to talk to you?

These are times when we feel terrible inside. It's not so much because of the problem, but because we have tried to make it better, yet all we accomplish is to worsen the situation. It is the guilt, the feeling of hopelessness and remorse that eats us from the inside.

Like I said, life has its ironies. I have lost a friendship or two in this manner, but I wouldn't have reacted otherwise even with the benefit of hindsight. After all, we can't always win, and sometimes it may even be for the better. It is through experiences like these that test the relationship (romantic or friendship) between 2 people. In the end, you may discover that this person's attitude is not even worth putting any effort. But of course, not every case ends like this.

But we have to remember to be thankful too. Just as we are frustrated at the downpour after scrubbing the car's tyre rims so thoroughly, the rain has its blessings, such as cooling the land down. I have been blessed in that I am enjoying some new luxuries these past few weeks, passing my Capital Markets Services exam yesterday and also getting to spend some quality time catching up with some friends. Thus, a dent in my pocket for the replacement lenses may not be that bad. I was actually looking at it a few days ago and thinking maybe it's time to change the lenses too... Haha! Lo and behold!

Of course, there are still things that I want to do. Been trying VERY hard to catch up with one friend in particular, but she's VERY busy. I can only continue to pray for a good opportunity. I'm also looking forward to spending time with my study group go prepare for my coming exams. It's a rather exciting period, actually.

But excuse me in the meantime while I go sew up that big hole in my pocket...

What do you do when a rain cloud pours on you on a sunny day?

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